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Novel, Montana Dream
Novel, Life on the Montana Frontier
Novel, Montana to Boston and Back
Novel, Montana Sons Go to War
Novel, Montana Sons Return From War
Donaldson Book 1
Donaldson Book 2


Genealogy Books

Also, Barbara has compiled and written numerous genealogy books which can be purchased directly from Barbara by emailing The following genealogy books are currently available with others in the works: Clayton – Benjamin Clayton, Joseph Clayton, Elizabeth Ellen Clayton and William Mann Todd Cripps/Kribs Feeneys Parker – Hector Parker and Sarah McMillan Raue Heinrich Rauhe, Christoph Rauhe, Harm Raue, Heeres Raue, Harm Raue and Lummegien Meijer, Harry Raue and Barbara Jean Cromwell Harm Mijer daughter Lummegien married Harm Raue Samuel Robert Todd William Mann Todd and Elizabeth Ellen Clayton, May Todd and Oliver Lloyd Cromwell, Barbara Jean Cromwell and Harry Raue Oliver Lloyd Cromwell and May Todd, Oliver’s parents, grandparents and great grandparents ancestor Lord Protector Oliver Cromwell’s history included.